virtuelle Lehrkooperation: International Talks: „De-Kolonialisierung – Rahmenbedingungen für internationale Verantwortung“ (Wise 2023/)

virtuelle Lehrkooperation: International Talks: „De-Kolonialisierung – Rahmenbedingungen für internationale Verantwortung“ - Details

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Veranstaltungsname virtuelle Lehrkooperation: International Talks: „De-Kolonialisierung – Rahmenbedingungen für internationale Verantwortung“
Semester Wise 2023/
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 0
Heimat-Einrichtung Studium
Veranstaltungstyp virtuelle Lehrkooperation in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Donnerstag, 16.11.2023 18:00 - 19:30, Ort: (online)

Räume und Zeiten

Donnerstag, 16.11.2023, Donnerstag, 14.12.2023, Donnerstag, 18.01.2024 18:00 - 19:30


Im Rahmen der virtuellen Lehrkooperationen und organisiert vom Arbeitskreis Globales Lernen an Evangelischen Hochschulen und Brot für die Welt finden erneut die öffentlichen International Talks statt.

Thursday, 16th of November 2023, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
„De-colonial and anti-racist education - Theory, practice, guidlines and concepts“ (Narku Laing, EH Bochum)
Racism is wrong. People are equal. Colonialism has ended. This public consensus is more than tricky when it comes to complex educational settings in the age of multi-directional remembrance and multi-cultural societies. How can we educate on controversial matters such as racism? In his talk, Prof Laing explores the current state of de-colonial and anti-racist education in Germany. The racism researcher and civic educator will explore current practices of de-colonial education and critically reflect concepts of anti-racist training. After more theoretical remarks at the beginning, his reflections will heavily lean on his practical experience of providing more than 500 educational formats on diversity in all sectors of the German society. Dr.Peter Pavlovic, Conference of European Churches & European Christian Environmental Network. His work includes developing dialogue between theology, ethics, and politics. He also focusses on theological perspectives on the economy, ecology, and sustainable development. Prof. Dr. Lorenz Narku Laing is one of Germany's youngest professors and
founder of the diversityconsultancy “Vielfaltsprojekte GmbH.” He serves as an advisory board member of the National Discrimination and Racism
Monitor and is a member of the Volkswagen AG Diversity Panel.

Thursday, 14th of December, 2023, 6:00 – 7:30pm
„Decolonial thinking and Europe“ (Johann Meylahn, EH Dresden / Südafrika)
Colonisation continues to have a tremendous impact on large parts of the globe, and not only on previously colonised countries. Many of the current geopolitical, economic, and environmental challenges that the globe faces cannot be thought without taking decolonial thinking into consideration. In his Preface to Fanon’s book, The Wretched of the Earth, Jean-Paul Sartre argues that this book is not written for Europeans, yet he challenges
Europeans to read it. It is between such particularism and universalism that this talk will engage with decolonial thinking in the context of the globe's
various geopolitical, environmental, and political challenges. Johann-Albrecht Meylahn is currently a Professor of Theology at the EHS in Dresden and previously at the University of Pretoria in South Africa. The call for decolonial education and specifically decolonising the curricula of universities was part of both his teaching and research at the University of Pretoria. Before starting at the University of Pretoria, Johann worked for several years in the FBO sector with marginal inner-city communities.

Thursday, 18th of January 2024, 6:00 – 7:30pm
„Postcolonial Perspectives on Colonial and Mission History. Responses from West Africa“ (Togo) (Dr. Kokou Azamede,Universität Lomé/Togo)
This International Talk wants to focus on the difficult relationship between German colonial and mission history using the example of the
West African country Togo. It will provide an overview of the religious and cultural impact of missionary activities up to the present day. Using concrete cases from Togo, these questions will be discussed and linked to the current discussion about the restitution of religious cultural artefacts. For European Christianity, now is the time to come to terms with this heritage and to learn from each other. Dr. Kokou Azamede teaches at the University of Lomé/Togo and is
DAAD-Grimm-Prize winner 2022. He will report on his current research on the interconnection between colonialism and mission and discuss with the participants how Christianity can deal with its colonial heritage.

Für Fragen steht Ihnen Sandra Richter unter zur Verfügung.

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